Copyright 2008-2024: Justin Wood
Donations always welcome. I run this site with my own funds and my own time, both of which are in rare supply. If you find this site useful or entertaining, please consider a small donation to help keep it up and running. Thank you - Justin Wood
1917 Lowland Ct : 1970
Carmichael, CA
4 beds / 3.5 baths / 4,116 sq ft / 23,958 sq ft lot
Update 02/17 - Designed by Don Thaden - thanks Hudson for the intel!
Hillside home
Last sold 2003
(4/5/2016) Owner states she is second owner. House is second built from plans. 1st version of house is located in Los Angeles. Doesn't think house is Carter Sparks; possibly Los Angeles based Architect. Jian Wang is a popular Chinese-born painter; however he no longer lives in the house.
Rob on the Road feature of Mr. Wang painting on his deck:
C: Jian Wang & Xiutao Zhu